Sunday, February 6, 2011


I figured I would start out the first issue of my blog by introducing myself.

My name is Jonny Schmidt.  I was raised in Topeka, Kansas with my mom, dad, & brother.  I was a swimmer for my entire life, getting a scholarship to swim at the University of Georgia for four years.  While at college, I majored in International Affairs with an Emphasis in Humanities and German.  Before graduating, I had an amazing opportunity to study abroad with a Semester at Sea - I visited 11 countries in five months, ranging from the edge of Japan through Egypt to the tip of Gibraltar.  It was definitely a life-changing experience.  Once graduation came, I moved myself up to Chicago, the city I've been in love with since 8th Grade.

I have many goals for myself in the Real Estate industry.  My first goal is to become a Broker within the next few months.  (And, yes, I'm publishing this to make you all hold me accountable!  haha)  My second, and probably loftier goal, will combine two of my biggest loves - people and international culture.  By the end of the Summer 2011, I want to be on my way to receiving my Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation for Real Estate.  As I learn more about this new idea, I will definitely keep you informed.

As for the name of my group, my ancestors have been members of the Holdeman Mennonite Church in Kansas.  They came to this country from northern Europe in 1876.  I truly believe that, though I do not practice in the Mennonite Church, the values and beliefs my parents instilled in me came from the root of all that these honest, hard-working people represent.  I am proud to call myself an ancestor of the Holdeman Mennonite Community - a people of peace, humility, and selflessness.  The "Holdeman Group" was so named to remind me of the kind of man I want to be - both in business and personal life.

Well, if you've made it this far, I applaud you.  I hope that you will continue to enjoy this blog as much as I hope to enjoy writing it.  I look forward to hearing from you at any time - and never hesitate with any questions you might have! case anybody was, that is not me in the little Mennonite photo.  =)

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