Monday, February 7, 2011

Caution vs Fear

Depending on the person being asked the question, the answers regarding the housing market will drastically vary.  In the recent months, the housing industry has been on shaky ground.  This new "Market Adjustment" is just that - getting us back on track to fair market value.  With that said, I think it is important for both buyers and sellers to distinguish the difference between caution and fear.

"Fear," by definition, is an unpleasant emotion caused by the believe that something or someone is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.  On the other side of the coin, "caution" means care should be taken to avoid danger or mistakes.

Do we all see the difference?

The media has historically done a bang-up job instilling fear into the hearts of the general public.  Sometimes, rightfully so.  Headlines surrounding the housing market in recent months have tended to show the economy in a negative light, making people hesitant to make a move.  However, whether you're buying or selling a home, don't let fear paralyze you and prevent you from making a sound decision.  As Real Estate professionals, it is our fiduciary duty to ensure that every decision you make is one in a positive step toward a financial and personal future with your home.  Any agent that makes you feel any different is not even worth your time.  Always remember that we are with you every step of the way.

Here is the bottom line: the market will be just fine.  Regardless of what you're hearing in the media or from your friends/family, a Gallup poll just released said that 67% of Americans think this is a good time to purchase a home.  The idea of American Home Ownership is still alive and well - and it's up to you as a consumer to make an educated decision about where you truly want to be.

And if you're still a little freaked out, drop me a note.  We can solve the housing market together.  One way or another, somebody has to.

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